The drawing shows several ducks waddling across a wooden dock by the water. The scene includes the dock, the ducks, and a background with some water and tall grass.

There are at least four ducks in the image. Three of the ducks are on the wooden dock, while one duck is on the water near the edge of the dock. The ducks have little feathers and tiny feet, making them look quite cute and lifelike.

The dock itself has some texture and wooden planks, with a few bolts or nails visible, giving it a realistic touch. In the background, you can see the tall grass on the edge of the water, as well as the calm surface of the water.

This image, with its detailed lines and various elements, would be suitable for both children and adults to color. The simplicity of the ducks and the dock might appeal to children, while the opportunities for shading and texturing could engage adults as well.

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