This drawing features a baby unicorn standing next to its mother. The unicorns have large, expressive eyes and gentle smiles. Both have long, flowing manes and tails that are wavy and intricate.

The mother unicorn has a tall, slim body and a long horn on her head. Her mane cascades down her neck and her tail flows gracefully behind her. She looks down lovingly at her baby unicorn.

The baby unicorn stands close to her mother's side. She has a smaller, more delicate body and a short horn on her head. Her mane and tail are also wavy, and she has a flower decoration attached to her mane, which adds a cute touch.

This drawing is suitable for both children and adults. Its moderate complexity offers a relaxing experience for older kids and art-loving adults. The detailed manes and tails provide ample opportunity to use a variety of colors, enhancing the overall coloring experience.

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